Can I get credit after bankruptcy?
Generally, Yes. Bankruptcy does not end one's ability to borrow money, although it impacts exactly what credit is available.
The more difficult question is when particular kinds of credit might be available, and on what terms. This is necessarily fact-intensive, i.e. dependent on particulars of an individual person's case. Broadly speaking, individuals with favorable income-to-expense ratios and more stable employment will find more favorable credit opportunities faster. A willingness to shop around lenders is especially important when rebuilding credit after bankruptcy, as not all lenders view a recent bankruptcy the same.
Once the bankruptcy is starting to move into the past, two things lenders might realize are: (1) there are fewer old debts to compete for the borrower's scarce funds, or (2) after a bankruptcy discharge, it is 2-8 years until another discharge is possible. Lenders make money by loaning money, and the reality is that the post-bankruptcy market is a large field in which to do business.