Can I repay a debt after bankruptcy?
Generally yes, a person is free to pay back a debt voluntarily after bankruptcy.
A bankruptcy discharge (the court order which "wipes out" a debt) enjoins certain actions by the creditor or lender. In essence, the creditor is no longer allowed to collect or enforce the discharged debt. The creditor cannot seek repayment without violating the discharge injunction. The debtor/borrower is not restricted by the discharge injunction from offering or making voluntary payment.
Sometimes, creditors will refuse payments on discharged debts. Particularly in the case of large creditors, they may not know what do with the money if they have cleared out their account record. Other creditors may be fearful of being accused of soliciting the payment and be reluctant to accept it. However, most of the time the type of creditors that debtors are most interested in repaying are family members, business partners, and trusted professional (such as family dentists). These relationship creditors are often understanding and willing to accept payment offered.